63 research outputs found

    Techno-ökonomische Auslegungsmethodik für die Elektrifizierung urbaner Busnetze

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    Aufgrund verstärkter politischer, juristischer und gesellschaftlicher Tendenzen nach einer umweltverträglicheren Mobilität forcieren Städte die Transformation ihres Stadtbusverkehrs vom Diesel- zum elektrischen Antrieb. Diese Entwicklung stellt aufgrund umfangreicher ökonomischer und technologischer Aufwände sowie Unsicherheiten die Busbetreiber vor neue, große Herausforderungen. Es ergibt sich die Frage nach der langfristig technologisch und betriebswirtschaftlich optimalen Konfiguration einzelner E-Bus-Linien sowie eines stadtweiten E-Bus-Netzes. Diese Arbeit soll ihren Beitrag dazu leisten, die vorhandenen Auslegungs-Zielkonflikte aufzulösen, indem sie eine techno-ökonomische Methodik einführt, wie für zu elektrifizierende Buslinien die technischen Parameter zu wählen sind. Hierbei sind über die Lebenszeit der Fahrzeuge und ihrer Infrastruktur die günstigsten Total Cost of Ownership (Lebenszykluskosten) zu gewährleisten. Die Methodik fußt auf zwei Säulen: Einerseits auf einer detaillierten technologischen Simulation des Gesamtsystems E-Bus zur Ermittlung validierter Energiebedarfe in Abhängigkeit der betrieblichen Anforderungen. Andererseits auf einer umfassenden Analyse der Lebenszykluskosten für E-Bus- Systeme, auch unter Berücksichtung von externen Kosten. Die Berechnungen aus beiden Bereichen liefern die Eingangswerte zur anschließenden technoökonomische Optimierung. Anhand deren Ergebnisse können die Konfiguration einzelner E-Buslinien unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen analysiert, Synergieeffekte zu anderen Linien in Hinblick auf eine Busnetzauslegung ermittelt und entsprechend die geeigneten kostenoptimalen technischen Parameter gewählt werden

    Techno-ökonomische Auslegungsmethodik für die Elektrifizierung urbaner Busnetze

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    Mit dem Ziel einer umweltverträglicheren Mobilität forcieren Städte die Transformation ihres Busverkehrs hin zum elektrischen Antrieb. Diese Entwicklung stellt Busbetreiber vor technologische, betriebliche und betriebswirtschaftliche Herausforderungen. Diese Arbeit führt eine techno-ökonomische Methodik ein um die vorhandenen Auslegungs-Zielkonflikte aufzulösen. Hierzu werden die technischen Parameter für zu elektrifizierende Buslinien so optimiert, dass die günstigsten TCO gewährleisten sind

    Design Methodology for the Electrification of Urban Bus Lines with Battery Electric Buses

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    Electrically powered buses reduce CO2_{2} and noise emissions in urban areas and thus promote the trend towards more livable cities. Upon this reason, more and more cities are introducing their first electrified lines as pilot projects. However, no standardized technology has yet emerged, which is why statements on interactions between vehicle, operation and infrastructure in public transport are proving to be difficult to make. In order to be able to make statistically significant statements in this respect, a simulation model was developed that depicts the three subsystems vehicle, operation and infrastructure. On the basis of measurement data from the PRIMOVE research project in Mannheim, in which an urban bus line is operated with two electrically powered buses, the simulation model was validated and a data basis was laid for further investigations. As a result, simulation studies with more than 700 simulated operating days could be carried out, the results of which represent the input for the following statistical analysis. Based on this analysis, the interactions described above will be demonstrated in the design of the main technical parameters, the battery lifespan and the energy demand of electrical bus lines. Through the findings of these simulations, an optimized version of the already electrified bus line in Mannheim will then be presented. Finally, a novel design methodology for electrification based on a multi-objective optimization is introduced. All parameters of the system are variable in order to apply the presented methodology to other projects and thus underline the general validity of the work

    Limited evidence for reliability of low and high frequency rTMS over the motor cortex

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    Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability of low-frequency and high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on healthy individuals over the motor cortex. A secondary outcome was the assessment if low-frequency rTMS results in inhibition and high-frequency rTMS results in facilitation. Methods In this experiment, 30 healthy participants received on four consecutive days one session each with application of 1 Hz or 20 Hz rTMS over the left motor cortex. 1 Hz and 20 Hz were applied in alternating order, whereby the starting frequency was randomized. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were measured before and after each session. Reliability measures were intraclass and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (ICC and r). Results ICCs and r values were low to moderate. Notably, within subgroups of less confounded measures, we found good r values for 20 Hz rTMS. The group-level analysis did not demonstrate a clear low-frequency inhibition and high-frequency facilitation pattern. At the single-subject level, only one participant exhibited significant changes consistent with the expected pattern, with concurrent decreases in MEPs following 1 Hz sessions and increases following 20 Hz sessions. Conclusion The investigated neuromodulatory protocols show low to moderate reliability. Results are questioning the low-frequency inhibition and high-frequency facilitation pattern. Significance Methodological improvements for the usage of rTMS are necessary to increase validity and reliability of non-invasive brain stimulation

    ‘Khoisan’ sibling terminologies in historical perspective:A combined anthropological, linguistic and phylogenetic comparative approach

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    Node Similarities from Spreading Activation

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    Es werden zwei Arten von Knotenähnlichkeiten in Netzwerken vorgestellt. Beide Ähnlichkeitsmaße basieren auf der Nachbarschaftsstruktur der Knoten. Die erste Ähnlichkeit bezieht sich auf die Überlappung der direkten und indirekten Nachbarschaft der Knoten. Die zweite Ähnlichkeit vergleicht die Struktur, bzw. die Verteilung der Kanten zweier Knotennachbarschaften. Beide Ähnlichkeitsmaße lassen sich aus Aktivierungsausbreitungsprozessen bestimmen, wobei die erste Methode die Aktivierungsmuster vergleicht während bei der zweiten Methode die Änderungen der Aktivierungsmuster über die Zeit verglichen werden

    Node Similarities from Spreading Activation

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    In this paper we propose two methods to derive different kinds of node neighborhood based similarities in a network. The first similarity measure focuses on the overlap of direct and indirect neighbors. The second similarity compares nodes based on the structure of their possibly also very distant neighborhoods. Both similarities are derived from spreading activation patterns over time. Whereas in the first method the activation patterns are directly compared, in the second method the relative change of activation over time is compared. We applied both methods to a real world graph dataset and discuss some of the results in more detail

    Distance aware tag clouds

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    Distance aware tag clouds add visualization of relations between terms to standard tag clouds. In addition to term importance (which is usually depicted through font size) the placement of terms represents the relation between words in the corpus. These relations are modeled as similarities between words and are visualized via the distance between the corresponding tags in the tag cloud. In this paper a modified multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) approach for tag positioning is presented. Applying standard MDS results in unsatisfying and unusable representations due to two problems. The first problem stems from word overlap which is orthogonal to the second problem: excessive empty space. Both of these shortcomings are addressed by introducing methods for overlap removal and empty space reduction. We show that these two modifications only moderately increase the resulting MDS stress value of the new positioning while they remove most of the overlaps and reduce the amount of white space

    Domain Bridging Associations Support Creativity

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    This paper proposes a new approach to support creativity through assisting the discovery of unexpected associations across different domains. This is achieved by integrating information from heterogeneous domains into a single network, enabling the interactive discovery of links across the corresponding information resources. We discuss three different pattern of domain crossing associations in this context

    Rule Visualization based on Multi-Dimensional Scaling

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    Abstract — This paper presents an approach to visualizing and exploring high-dimensional rules in two-dimensional views. The proposed method uses multi-dimensional scaling to place the rule centers and subsequently extends the rules ’ regions to depict their overlap. This results not only in a visualization of the rules ’ distribution but also enables the relationship to their immediate neighbors to be judged. The proposed technique is illustrated and discussed on a number of wellknown benchmark data sets. I